this is the final episode of Pimp my motorcycle-Chaly Thailand
in this episode i'll show u how to dress up
ur motorcycle Chaly

this is before doing body

and this is after body and motor fixed

motorcycle Chaly Blue

motorcycle Chaly with a wheel

hot pink or deep violet !!!
cool motorcycle

and this is the pimp team
Credit photo motobike-thailand

after dress up motorcycle
it will be like this
lemon motorcycle Chaly

look like Japanese stlye
body make like gold fish
and it sold out!!!!

the white one
for today i have only photo of motorcycle for u
for today i have only photo of motorcycle for u
in Thailand to pimp and fix motorcycle Chaly
the cost is about 13000 bath up
and for the old model the cost is 3000 up
but for decorate and dress up the motorcycle
the price of accessories its up to the shop
and how hard to find the model u want
for pimp motorcycle thailand
have to say bye bye for now
and c u later
credit photos Chaly Thailand ,Thaiscooter